Roxane Malu is a belgian contemporary painter. Her artworks combine childish mark-making, patterning, gestural application of paint and delicate shapes. She works with colorfull palette and mixed media (graphite, markers, pastels, acrylics, oil...). She wants to allow the viewer to apply freely their own experiences and feelings to the composition, without any prior direction. Working intuitively, she may not know the outcome of the piece. The painting evolves as a emotional process, driven by music, light or moment. She likes the idea of transmitting to people, through her works, a kind of pure energy.
She first created realistic drawings and paintings. She studied painting restoration, golding and copying from masters (2003-2006). Recently, the abstract has become her favorite artistic expression. As an emerging professionnal artist in 2020, her artworks has already been collected across Belgium, Germany, France and in the USA.
Roxane Malu
Boredom was born one day from uniformity
My story, my background