Biography & artistic approach
Born in Brussels on August 24, 1976, BrieucC grew up in an artistic background, He was taught drawing and painting as a child following the Martenot method. He gradually developed a sensory approach to art, learning to balance shapes, volumes and colours.
Fascinated and attracted by the light since always, it is for BrieucC a trigger in his artistic work.
It is in 2013 that he conceives and realizes his first work integrating light. The first piece of its kind, « The Door » is highly symbolic to BrieucC, marking the start of a new life. He decided to continue down this path, impelled by a deep urge to create, again and again. It is obvious to him that he chooses to devote himself entirely to the development of his art and to his profession as an artist.
Creator of his own artistic technique, his style is quite unique and recognizable.
His work is resolutely pure and contemporary and is part of kinetic and optical art.
Movement, light and colors
Consisting of combinations of straight lines (cuts), BrieucC's luminous works create surprise and questioning. From the beginning, his research focuses on movement, light and colors. The artist proposes works that evolve in space and time. The spectator brings the work to life by moving in front of it, making the light appear or disappear, creating chromatic effects or suggesting a movement of the work itself.
The kinetic, the optical and the contemplative
His work can be classified into three distinct artistic directions: kinetic, optical and contemplative.
Each of these directions has its own particularity and its own artistic intention.
The artist's works really come to life when the light shines on them, revealing what they are, which is when he calls them and describes them as true "living works". The latter offer the possibility to everyone to get in touch with them, by simply contemplating them or by interacting with them in movement. He then considers that there is a real relationship between the work and the viewer, who is the driving force behind it.
"Only movement and our ability to open up to other fields of vision allow us a more complete understanding of a certain reality"
Nothing is ever perceived from the only place we look. In response to this, BrieucC proposes to consider different points of view. Through his work and the experience that we can make of it, he pushes us to displacement, to change to perceive more.
Shadow and contrast
Kinetic, from light to shadow and contrast
2023, a special year with a new approach to perception, this time without artificial light. BrieucC starts his new series under the name of "Perception in black and white" and plays this time with the contrasts and the shade to put forward his subject. In this new approach, he is still animated by the same desire to push the viewer to move in order to perceive differently, to try the multiplicity of points of view and to wonder about the relative reality of what he sees from the place where he is.
The physical experience of the spectator is an integral part of the work. Beyond pure aesthetics, he wishes to bring the spectator to question his own look.
His unique style is resolutely pure and contemporary and is part of kinetic and optical art.